On the 7thMay we went by bus with all 80 students of the 5thand 6thclasses to the Europaschule.
When we arrived, there were lots of students from other schools in the sports hall. First we had to take off our shoes and put them into a plastic sack. Then we watched the performance. The performance was about a girl with her mother and a boy with his father. The kids were in the same class, but they didn’t talk to each other. Megan’s mum and Luke’s dad fell in love. The kids didn’t accept that and they wanted to sabotage this. They used stink bombs, put vinegar in the wine or put pepper sauce on the cake or put a slug in the shoe.
Finally the parents came together and the kids became friends.
After the performance we went back to school by bus. We were at school at 11:40.
It was an exciting day. By the way- the name of the performance was : ‘The slug in the shoe’.
By Luana Hönow
Class 5B